Son of a Son of a Trailer

Camping with a trailer in tow

Season Eleven (2013)

This time, we were smart... we kept the trailer open all winter, and come spring, no mice!! (Of course, the plethora of cats wandering around the neighborhood may want to take some of the credit for that too...)


We did a minor cleanup in the spring, and then before Michele's dad arrived in August, we did a major cleanup.  Everything was wiped down and cleaned to within an inch of its life.  We also tested the water systems and the A/C.  We did find the patch in the roof was dripping just a little, but we'll have to get up there with some caulk later.  For now, a towel on the side bench catches any stray drips.


I suspect the trailer tires aren't much good anymore as they haven't been replaced in a few years, but that'll have to wait until next season.  Unfortunately, any trips we were going to take took a back burner to other things.  We were going to take the trailer with us on a Cub Scout camping trip (for us, not our son - he would get a tent just like the other Cub Scouts!) but it was rained out.  We have had a lot of rain this summer.


So maybe next year the Son of a Son of a Trailer will be back on the road again for some more camping adventures!

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